Awards Scoring Guide

We have compiled these notes to assist you in understand and take full advantage of the applicant and in-person interview stages of the awards program.

Stage 1 – Written Applications:

After submission, your applications are distributed to the category judges.

The top written applications achieving a total score of 70% or more (a maximum of five per category) will advance as a Finalist within that category.

The selection of finalists will be based solely on the written application completed by the entrant. Applicants do not meet judges in person during this first stage.

Each category must have a minimum of two finalists to proceed. Should any category not have at least two applications that have achieved a minimum score of 70%, two additional category specific questions will be presented to every applicant within that category to submit additional answers for judging; scored between 1-10 points each.  Should your judging category require this extra step, the additional questions will be sent to you to score.

If after this process there are still not at least two applications that have achieved a 70% minimum judging score, the category will not proceed to finalist status or provide an award winner.

Written Scoring Scale

1-2:           Did not complete the question or response has no relevance.

3-4:          Attempted to answer the question, but did not address the key criteria.

5:              Addressed the key criteria at a minimum or standard response.

6-7:          Addressed the key criteria and expanded on some aspects.

8-9:          Addressed all key criteria and provided relevant supporting evidence.

10:            Fully addressed all criteria with comprehensive evidence and insights.


The judging will be based solely on your written responses. Feedback will also be noted by the judges on how well the questions were answered, with this being provided to you at the end of the season.


Stage 2 – In-Person Interviews:

This year, the site visit segment of judging for category finalists will be replaced in most cases, by a 20-30 minute in-person interview (location to be advised).

This is an opportunity for you to present to the judges any additional information about your business that you feel is important, and to expand on anything from the written application.

This is also where the judges may clarify specific information or ask for more in-depth responses.

You are welcome to present in the manner that best suits you and/or your business or category, presentations, props and documents can all be included. This is also an opportunity to provide additional evidence of any exceptional work or achievements that you have detailed within the written application.

** Please note, there may be specific categories that will still require a site visit to be undertaken. These finalists will be advised and appointments confirmed.


In-Person Scoring scale


  1. Finalist presentation (scored on quality and clarity of information presented by the finalist)
  2. Validation of written responses (Was the finalist able to clearly articulate and validate any questions from the judges?)
  3. Overall ranking of excellence (Compared to the other finalists within their category)

All items scored between 1-10.

1-2:           Poor, or did not complete.

3-4:          Below average responses.

5:              A standard response, met the minimum requirement.

6-7:          Addressed all questions and provided a quality presentation.

8-9:          Above average presentation with considered and insightful responses.

10:            Excellent presentation, top of class.
