BeBendigo Business Awards 2022

Meet our Judges for 2024

Community Minded

  • Donna Doyle
  • Jessica Somerville
  • Darren Jones

Creative Industries

  • David Stretch
  • Michelle Symes
  • Kathryn Mackenzie

Customer Focussed

  • Ann Conway
  • Jessica Somerville
  • Darren Jones

Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

  • Sandra Campbell
  • Dimity Fifer
  • Sandy Ross

Emerging and Energised

  • Donna Doyle
  • Ann Conway
  • Jessica Somerville

Events and Tourism

  • David Stretch
  • Michelle Symes
  • Kathryn Mackenzie


  • David Stretch
  • Michelle Symes
  • Adam Carswell

Health and Care

  • Ann Conway
  • Sandy Ross
  • Anna Hill


  • Dennis Barnett (Head Judge)
  • Tim Dunlop
  • Chris Stoltz

National/Global Footprint

  • Tim Dunlop
  • Jason Treble
  • Jeff Smith


  • Sandra Campbell
  • Anna Hill
  • Sandy Ross

Professional Services Firm

  • Chris Stoltz
  • Melissa Buchanan
  • Tim Dunlop

Regional Women’s Business Award

  • Sandy Campbell
  • Dimity Fifer
  • Anna Hill

Small and Succeeding

  • Jason Treble
  • Ange Rayson
  • Adam Carswell

Social Procurement

  • Dennis Barnett
  • Donna Doyle
  • Darren Jones

Technology and Digital

  • Ricky Hayes
  • Jason Treble
  • Jeff Smith

Trade and Construction

  • Ricky Hayes
  • Jason Treble
  • Jeff Smith

Volunteer of the Year

  • Dennis Barnett
  • Sandra Campbell
  • Dimity Fifer

Young and Professional

  • Kathryn Mackenzie
  • Ange Rayson
  • Melissa Buchanan

Judging the Climate Leader category will be the Greater Bendigo Climate Collaboration.

Be.Awards 2024
